Amruta Pradhan

Amruta Pradhan

Amruta is M. Tech in Environmental Planning from CEPT University, Ahmedabad. She is an alumni of Ecological society,Pune.

Her areas of interest are Research on Water Policies and Water Governance, Environmental & Social Issues of Rivers and Large Dams, Participatory Water Conservation, River Restoration, Livelihood Generation through Water Conservation.

Worked as Research Associate, PRAYAS Resources & Livelihoods Group, Pune and have published various research articles

Working as Freelance Research Associate, South Asia Network on Dams Rivers & People (SANDRP) and currently doing her PhD at ATREE on Impacts of large dams on riverine landscapes.

Some of her activities include working as Anchor for “We, the People”- a network of individuals and organisations committed towards expanding an informed, active and responsible citizenry in India; Conducting ‘Citizen Cafes’ where citizens from various backgrounds and ages come together to learn, reflect and act upon the Preamble of India. She is also an active member, NIRMAN- youth group started by Dr Abhay & Rani Bang where she conducts ‘Earth Connect’- an experience based environmental education workshop for school children.